Planning with Pinterest

Pinterest is a fun way to plan out your dream wedding day. It's already overflowing with loads of wedding ideas, dresses, and decor!   Developing a vision board by pinning bits of inspiration can get your creative juices flowing and finally get all of those ideas you've been brainstorming out of your head and in front of your eyes.

You can search, scroll through and gather tons of ideas from thousands of different resources and save them to your own page.  Visuals of your ideas help the whole theme come together. It's important to add your own personal notes in the description of the pin as a reminder of why you pinned this specific idea in the first place. This will also help to clearly convey the information when working with a wedding planner and other vendors.

Overtime you will see trends in your pins and begin to get a better understanding of your wants and needs. We suggest going back and editing your wedding board to narrow your ideas and focus on your vision. Once you’ve got a clear style happening on your board go back through and remove anything that doesn’t really fit or that you've changed your mind about. You'll start to see your dream wedding become a reality!

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Why Pinterest is great for brides of all kinds?

  • Access to thousands of different wedding resources and visual inspiration from all around the world
  • Search for pins by keywords like your colors, style, theme, etc.
  • Allows you to add your own notes in the description and save the pins for later
  • You can always edit, reorganize and delete pins on your board (Tip: Start by pinning anything that catches your eye then go back and narrow down your vision)
  • Your Pinterest boards can be made private so none else can see what you are planning.
  • A wedding board helps you visualize all the details coming together for your dream day
  • Show your board to your vendors/planner: helps them see and understand your vision!

Follow our pins for an overload of wedding and event inspiration: